Join the Akouo Community
Each week we meet up in two different ways: online and in-person. You can click on the “Watch Now” link to join our streaming services at 8:30 & 10 AM every Sunday. You can also join us every Sunday in-person at 10 AM at 100 Quentin Dr 78201.
How Can We Help?
Giving may not be a possibility for you right now. If things are tough for you right now we want to help. We want to be linked to you during your tough time. So if you (or someone you know) are in need of anything, anything at all, please reach out and bless us by allowing us to help.
Ways to contact us:
We believe in the biblical method of stewardship called tithing. In this, you bring a first fruit, tithe (10%) offering to the storehouse (your local church). We trust God with our lives AND our finances. And we know that there is always a spiritual blessing involved when we trust God in all things.
Kids in Service?
Have your children join our church service made specifically for them where they will learn about Jesus in fun & awesome ways! Register your children for our Children’s Ministry so that we may best be able to serve & love them!
Links to Everything Else
Follow this link to check out all things Akouo Church including our Youtube channel, podcasts, sign-ups for upcoming events, and more!
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Get Involved
Ready to take your next step of listening to God and helping our community through Akouo Church? Let us know and find out how you can make a real difference every week!